What a balance meal plan actually looks like

Having breakfast will enable you to begin your day with a lot of energy. Try not to ruin your breakfast with high-fat and fatty nourishments. Add some protein and fiber in your breakfast, and morning is the best time to have some fresh fruits also.

A mid-morning snack or a light meal between breakfast and lunch is totally optional. If you have taken breakfast which is fulfilling and sufficient then you may not feel hungry until lunchtime. However, if you're feeling a bit hungry and lunch is still 2- 3 hours away, a light mid-morning snack will fulfill your hunger but make sure you are not eating more of the calories.

Lunch is something you eat at work or school, so it's an extraordinary time to pack a sandwich, salad, sprouts, omelets, steamed rice with kidney beans or roasted asparagus. If you are buying your lunch, pick a solid clear soup or a new veggie plate of mixed greens.

A mid-evening snack is again an optional meal but is good for all those who feel craving after every hour.  Keep it low in calories and eat only enough to shield you hungry because dinner is just a few hours away

Dinner is a time when you eat with whole relaxed routine and so sometimes you end up eating too much, especially if you haven't eaten much during the day, so watch your portion sizes. It's better to divide your meal into 4 quarters. One-quarter is for a protein source, one-quarter is for a starch, and the last two-quarters are for fresh & green vegetables or a green salad.

If you wish to drop some pounds then plan your diet accordingly. You need to track and calculate what you are eating. You can do it by planning a weight loss plan or by following the HCG diet planA light complex carbohydrate evening meal may help you sleep properly. Avoid heavy, greasy and food high in refined sugar

For more healthy and weight loss tips youc check slimmingstudios.com   


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