5 best foods for weight loss


These are a great superfood for weight loss. They are essential for suppressing appetite and cravings. They have plenty of fiber which when eaten can keep you fuller for longer hence you will not feel the urge to snack often. They have high amounts of protein which helps to speed up metabolism. So it is good for weight loss 


This weight-loss food is full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. They have fewer calories which makes them friendly for weight loss.
Also read: https://bit.ly/2kw7K18


This superb vegetable belongs to the cruciferous family of plants. It has many health benefits. It is low in calories and sugar. It also produces a feeling of satiating which can prevent overeating. Include it in your diet if you want to reduce weight. Broccoli is rich in protein, calcium, vitamins A and C, potassium but has low amounts of sodium.


These are among the best foods for weight loss due to their water-rich content which helps hydrate the body.
Their water content can aid in weight loss and also facilitates the elimination of wastes from the body. It is full of dietary fiber but has fewer calories and fat. You can eat plenty without adding extra calories which can add weight.


Oats are among the best healthy food you should be eating for weight loss. It reduces the affect of heart disease, lower cholesterol and hypertension. The regular consumption of oats can lower the risk of developing these complications. Oats have high amounts of soluble fiber which help suppress appetite. This fiber also prevents you from overeating but keeps you full for a long time.

For more healthy tips and weight loss, diet plan check www.slimnskin.com or follow on Instagram or Facebook or drop your query on Quora 


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